Let’s Sign Up!
We appreciate your interest in studying the Bible with Dare to Care Bible School. We look forward to sharing many Bible insights with you and trust that Jesus will become your lifelong Friend and Saviour.
On this page, you can sign up for your free Bible study lessons in English or Afrikaans via email using the enrolment form below. You can also learn more about us and how the process works.

How it works

After signing up using the form below, we will email you the first three lessons. These lessons are MS Word documents that will guide you through your lessons in a question-and-answer format. Lessons can be completed in about 1-2 hours, but this can vary greatly depending on your background and depth of study. Upon completion, you email your completed lessons back to us for moderation. We will answer any questions you may have and will then send you the next set of lessons. This process repeats until you have completed the course. You will then receive your certificate of completion.

To complete your course, you will need a quiet space to work on your device. Having a copy of Microsoft Word on your device makes filling out your lessons easy. An online copy of Microsoft Word can also be used free of charge. The use of a physical Bible is strongly recommended. Prayer is an integral part of Bible study. Students are encouraged to pray before starting their lessons.

“There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. ”
Steps to Christ P. 90